A Fresh Start for Q2: Reflecting on Your Financial Goals

Spring weather has arrived in East Tennessee!  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for more sunshine and longer days!  As we transition to a season of renewal, it’s a good time to take a fresh look at our finances. Today, I’m excited to guide you through a comprehensive financial check-in. As you walk […]

Tackling High School Expenses

Being the mom of two high school freshmen has opened my eyes to a whole new world of expenses.  No more $10 or $15 notes from school.  Now it’s requests for $50 here and $100 there. One week, we were hit with $250 in expenses for testing fees, membership fees, etc.  On the horizon are […]

Tax Refund? Read this!

Tax time is right around the corner.  For many people, this means that a sizable tax refund is also right around the corner.  As a financial coach who has seen *everything*, let me tell you what many people do with a lump sum dropped into their account.  They go on a vacation they have been […]

How to “Reset” Your Budget for a New Year

There is truly no better time to reset your budget than a New Year! The beginning of a year brings fresh new vibes and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Plenty of my successful clients got a nudge to change their finances over the holidays, and made a fresh start in the new […]

When Spending is More than Shopping

Have you ever reached into your fridge at night to get a sweet treat, and just as you are biting down you think– “I am not even hungry. Why am I eating this?” It is generally a quiet voice, but clear nonetheless. This voice can give us a bit of clarity in moments when we […]

“We can’t afford that!”

Do you have any childhood memories of wanting something and hearing your parents bellow out… “We can’t afford that?!” Chances are…you do! Many of the clients that I work with grew up in a home where the parents often explained that they would not be buying extras because the family couldn’t afford it.  “Who do […]