Have you read any books that changed you? I’ve got several books that I’ll keep forever because they changed me! 100 Days to Brave is one of those! If you know me personally, you know how much I love anything written by Annie F. Downs (@anniefdowns)! Every book that Annie has written has touched me. […]
Sacrifice to Win!
Sacrifice. For most people it’s necessary to make sacrifices in order to take control of their finances. Some people cannot make any progress in eliminating debt or saving money unless they sacrifice in certain areas of their life. Sacrifice looks different for everyone. Some people will work a side hustle (sacrificing time with their family/friends). […]
Debt = Risk
Debt = RISK. When you think about your debt what comes to mind? “It’s not a big deal. I can make the payments.” “At least I’m not behind.” “I’ll get it paid off SOMEDAY.” “I’ll ALWAYS be in debt.” I’ve been there! So has every single one of my clients! Each client thought their debt […]
Q1 is in the Books!
Quarter 1 of 2019 is in the books! How are you doing with your 2019 goals? I’ve become very goal-oriented in the last few years. My goals tend to be big, but attainable. However, if I look at the big goal for too long I get so discouraged at times. So a couple of years […]