
How to “Reset” Your Budget for a New Year

There is truly no better time to reset your budget than a New Year! The beginning of a year brings fresh new vibes and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Plenty of my successful clients got a nudge to change their finances over the holidays, and made a fresh start in the new […]

Can $16,000 Make a Difference?

What is the exact point that most people reach out to me for Financial Coaching help? Many clients who reach out to me are simply tired of having those same problems with money.   Carrying around the same problem for years can be exhausting. The same was true for two clients that I have been working […]

Life without debt? Say what?

Today I want to talk to you about minimum payments.  Have you ever calculated how much the minimum payments on your debts (not including your house) totals?  My clients’ minimum payments range from $400 – $3,500 per month.   Have you ever considered what a life without debt would look like for you?   What would you […]

What if you invested your minimum payments?

Let’s talk about your minimum monthly payments again.  Earlier this month I encouraged you to calculate your minimum monthly debt payments (not including your house).  I asked you to start dreaming about a life without debt.  What would that look like for you?   I have several 1:1 clients who want to get out of debt […]

Sacrifice to Win!

Sacrifice. For most people it’s necessary to make sacrifices in order to take control of their finances. Some people cannot make any progress in eliminating debt or saving money unless they sacrifice in certain areas of their life. Sacrifice looks different for everyone. Some people will work a side hustle (sacrificing time with their family/friends). […]

Imagine a Life Without Payments…

Imagine a life without payments! What would change in your life if you didn’t have debt payments? Would you spend more time with your family? Would you start a business? Would you travel? Would you change careers? Would you give more of your time and resources? Would you save for your children’s college education? Would […]

Debt = Risk

Debt = RISK. When you think about your debt what comes to mind?  “It’s not a big deal. I can make the payments.”  “At least I’m not behind.”  “I’ll get it paid off SOMEDAY.”  “I’ll ALWAYS be in debt.” I’ve been there! So has every single one of my clients! Each client thought their debt […]