
How are you doing?  As I write this blog post, I’m thinking about how crazy life has become in the last month.  It seems that life as we know it has changed overnight. I don’t know about you, but that causes me to feel a little uneasy.  I don’t like uncertainty!  

Around the middle of March, the reality of COVID-19 stopped me in my tracks.  Suddenly, the people around me were being impacted negatively. I went into “control freak” mode.  I started putting together a plan for various areas of my life. I made meal plans. I made a detailed plan for how unemployment or reduced income would affect our finances.  I made a daily schedule for my kids (don’t ask how that’s going). As I made plans for our life, I felt so much calmer.  

You know what though?  I’ve also noticed that I’ve been triggered.  I’ve noticed that the more I try to save or reduce our expenses, the more I want to spend!  Are you feeling this way, too? I’ve even made a list of home projects I want to complete. I’ve been on Pinterest getting decorating ideas.  I’ve been wanting to go to Target!    

So how am I handling this?  I keep telling myself NO! I keep reminding myself that now is NOT the time to be spending money!  Now is the time to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE.  

If you have been triggered, I want to encourage you to stay focused on your NEEDS, not your WANTS.  It’s really hard, but I know we can do it! Let me know if I can help you stay focused

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

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