Small Financial Changes CAN Make a Big Difference

Happy New Year!  Are you ready for a fresh start?  Did you know that big changes can start with small steps? Many times people are “all or nothing” when it comes to making changes.  Statistically, these people are in most danger of snapping back to their old habits.  BUT, taking a series of small steps over time can change your finances completely.  It really can!

A small step you can take in the next week or so is to:  Make a plan for your next paycheck before you receive it.

Budgeting (yes, I said the dreaded “b” word) can be daunting for some people.  Is that you?  I see this with my 1:1 clients all. the. time. If budgeting is overwhelming to you, let me suggest you make a plan for your next paycheck.  Write down your plan, so that your money goes to your priorities.  Will you have any money left over?  If so, what will you do with it?

Clients see dramatic changes when they track where they spend every dollar for the week.  Rinse and repeat every time you get paid this month.  Breaking down a big task like “learn how to budget” can help you achieve your money goals over time.

When you are making a plan for your paycheck, check out the following blog post:

Make a Realistic Plan for Your Money

What small change will you make this month?

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

Download 10 Tips for Creating a Budget that Actually Works

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