
“No, not me…please!”

Have you ever had a thought float into your mind, but then you could not get it out?
A pesky, nagging thought living rent-free in your own mind!

And no matter how much you resisted the idea, it just persisted and wouldn’t leave…

Yes, me too!

Years ago, after figuring out how to structure our family’s finances, and the joy that came with that financial peace, I had the idea to become a coach to help others with their finances.

On one hand, I had been able to create so much peace through finally managing my finances well. I felt a strong pull to share my experience and to work with others who were struggling to get off the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle.

The only problem was….

“I am an introvert!”

“I couldn’t coach people on their finances.”

“Would people choose me to coach them on something as private as money?”

John Acuff calls these looping thoughts “Soundtracks” and they can really make you question yourself! These are unhelpful refrains that our brains tell us in order to keep us “safe” and “comfortable.”

I was absolutely terrified, and strongly resisted the idea of coaching people with their finances.

With these soundtracks playing, I talked myself out of this idea a million times.

But that idea persisted and wouldn’t vanish, no matter how much I wanted it to disappear.
God put this idea in my heart and mind, and nothing I could do would make it go away.

So I quieted the soundtracks in my mind, and Jumped!

I took a leap of faith.

I became a financial coach so that my skills could help to transform the lives of others.

🥳I am so honored to share that this month, Smart Money Financial Coaching turns 4!🥳

Over the last four years, I have worked with over 80 families and small business owners to help them get their financial lives in order. 

Just one family changing their financial life can create a legacy that impacts generations.
Now there are over 80 families across the country that have been changed. 

Can you imagine the cascade of positive impact from 80 families?!

Many times when I start working with families, they have their own “Soundtracks” for money. These sound like:

“I’m not good with money.”

“I don’t make enough money to budget.

“Everyone has debt.”

“I don’t make enough money to save.”

“I’ll never pay off my student loans.”

“I’ll always have a car payment.”

“I’m too old to start saving for retirement.”

These “Soundtracks” prevent so many people from even showing up at the starting line. 

In fact, they become so loud that they start to feel like a fact.

Just like I had to silence my Soundtracks with action, this is just my prescription for you if you are looking for peace with money.

Truth be told…Soundtracks are LIES!

They are designed to keep you comfortable in the same place. 

Today, I invite you to turn off the Soundtracks and move forward with bold action. While it may not be comfortable at first, taking action to address your finances is the only way to move forward.

If you are feeling the pull to work on your finances, once-and-for-all, let’s have a quick call.

Together, we are unstoppable!

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

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