
Money Routines: Small Steps, Big Impact

Recently, I found myself reflecting on all the routines I’ve woven into my life – from charging my activity tracker every Sunday night to picking up groceries after church every Sunday. It struck me how these routines streamline my days and keep me organized. This got me thinking about the money routines I help my clients implement.  I’d love to share a few micro-tips with you to help you stay in touch with your financial picture.

Daily Money Check-In

Just like you brush your teeth or enjoy that first cup of coffee in the morning, make it a habit to check in with your finances daily.   

Spend a few minutes each day checking your bank and credit card accounts, and tracking your spending. I recommend dedicating around 15 minutes each day to this task. 

Personally, each morning, I update my budgeting app with new transactions and check my bank accounts. 

I find that stacking this habit with another daily habit makes it easier to stick to. 

Budgeting apps are a great tool to help you stay on top of your finances anytime, anywhere – whether you’re in the school pick-up line, during your lunch break, or waiting in the checkout line at the store.  

I often get asked what my favorite budgeting app is, and I’ll tell you my answer in a minute. But first I want to make an important note – it’s not about WHICH app, it’s about HOW you make a habit of regularly staying on top of your finances using the app.

I personally use and love YNAB, and many of my clients do too. But YNAB is known to have a bit of a learning curve before getting to the “I love YNAB” stage. I help my clients to shortcut that learning in my 1:1 coaching. So just know that if you go check out YNAB and feel that way, it’s probably normal!

Weekly Budget Date

The best time to talk about finances is before something stressful happens.  Set aside some time each week to have a budget date. This will allow you to be proactive with money rather than reactive.  By taking a proactive approach to managing your money, you will be less stressed.

This is a great time to review your spending, adjust your budget as needed, and plan for the week ahead. If you share finances with a spouse, include them in this routine – it can turn this time into more of a life meeting than just a budget discussion!

Your weekly budget date doesn’t need to be a lengthy ordeal – just 30 minutes a week can make a significant difference in staying on track with your financial goals.

End-of-Day Reflection

Before you wind down for the night, take a moment to reflect on your financial choices throughout the day. 

Did you stick to your budget? 

Did you make any impulsive purchases? 

How will you approach similar situations differently in the future? 

Reflecting on your money habits helps you identify patterns and areas for improvement, setting the stage for better choices tomorrow.

Having routines in place for how I run my life takes a lot of chaos out of my day, including finances. 

Building solid money routines is all about consistency and making small, sustainable changes over time. You don’t have to overhaul your entire life overnight—start with these micro-tips and watch as they compound into big wins for your financial future. 

I help my clients implement routines in their finances that eliminate the chaos in their financial life.  If you’re looking for personalized guidance, I’m here for you! I have openings for two new clients each month.  Schedule a complimentary call HERE, and let’s discuss how I can assist you in changing your finances.

Here’s to mastering your money routines and living your best financial life!


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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I guide women and married couples who “make too much to feel this broke” from financial stress to financial freedom.  I live in Morristown, Tennessee with my husband and children.  I enjoy traveling, reading, and listening to music.

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