Let's talk money

Have you ever experienced Murphy’s Law with Money?

Murphy’s Law states that whatever can go wrong will go wrong but have you ever thought about how that can apply to money? Have you ever made the decision to reduce expenses, pay off debt and *finally* get some peace with money but then just a few days or weeks later…something big happens that makes that suddenly impossible?

A broken car.

An unexpected bill.

An unexpected job loss.

It can almost seem like a cruel “test” to see if you are really serious about your goal. 

Well, that is exactly what happened with a wonderful couple, Mark and Angela, who are in their 30s with two children.  In our initial call, they reported that they were tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck, and they had a take-home pay around $5,000 per month.  

They wanted to learn how to manage money, which started with paying off debt (around $40K). Mostly they wanted to stop stressing about money! Mark and Angela felt that if they had a bit more accountability, they would be able to finally follow through with a plan.

We began working together in March, and implemented their first budget in April.  This couple *crushed* it!!  Within their first month of implementing the budget and bringing down expenses, they had saved $1,800! 


Cruising into May, they had “wind in their sails” and momentum towards their goal, when suddenly all of that came to a screeching halt when Angela was laid off from her jobThis certainly felt like a “gut check” for the couple. When something like this happens, most couples get freaked out and drop financial coaching. But they didn’t.

They leaned into the coaching and saw it through. They allowed me to guide them through this stressful time. We quickly shifted our focus. We paused paying off debt and focused on taking care of the “4 Walls.” This meant that every penny that was spent sustained the family. This meant: rent & utilities; food & medication; transportation – car payments, car insurance, gas; and basic clothing needs.

At times their bank account balance got really low.  Coaching sessions were rough for them during this time, but they kept showing up twice a month and letting me guide them.  I helped them create a plan for each paycheck and encouraged them along the way. Their hard work paid off and Angela was able to secure a new job by the end of June. She accepted a job at a lower pay rate, and was able to do this because they knew their numbers so well, and she was comfortable with that decrease.

During this period of unemployment, they only took a few hundred dollars out of their emergency fund! 

When I met with them at the end of June they looked so relieved.  Angela was positively glowing!  They worked as a team and survived! The stress they had about her unemployment was finally gone. Now they are back on track with their goals, and feeling more motivated than ever.

Recently Angela shared with me, “I was really skeptical about financial coaching.  I wasn’t sure this would actually work, but it’s been AMAZING for us!”

If you have recently made the commitment to change your financial situation, I want to encourage you. Like Mark and Angela, you have what it takes to make it through any rough patch that life throws at you. 

If you want a bit of extra help with your finances, here is how we can work together:

Budget Bootcamp… coming soon! – This is a low-cost way to get your financial questions answered! 

Financial Coaching Work with me one-on-one to get your finances on the right track! I have a couple of openings for August.

If any of these options appeal to you then schedule your free call by clicking here.

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

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