
Don’t Let These Expenses Sneak Up on You—Get Ahead with These Tips!

Once again, I feel like we blinked, and over half the year is gone. 

My kids are back to school, and I’m wondering where in the world our summer went! Are you feeling the same?

It’s so easy to erase financial progress in the last half of the year. So today, I want to encourage you to pause and assess a few things to help you prepare your finances for a few big expenses you may encounter over the next few months.  Don’t let these expenses sneak up on you!

Are you prepared for Back-to-School?  

As we gear up for the school year, it’s important to anticipate and plan for various costs. 

From purchasing supplies and covering registration fees to dealing with computer, club, and sports expenses, these can add up quickly. 

Do your kids need new clothing or uniforms? 

Will you be buying a “season ticket” for school sports? 

By taking a moment now to identify and plan for these expenses, you can avoid last-minute stress and ensure a smooth start to the school year. 

Planning ahead not only helps manage costs but also makes the transition easier for everyone.  

Oh, and if you are curious about how we are handling ongoing school expenses you can read about it HERE.

Do you have any trips planned for this year?  

As we approach the end of the year, there are plenty of travel opportunities, from last-minute summer vacations to Labor Day getaways, fall breaks, and upcoming holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

Have you considered how to manage these costs? 

Personally, I find that creating a detailed plan for each trip—covering everything from gas and lodging to food, entertainment, and those inevitable last-minute Walmart or Target runs—makes a big difference. 

Being proactive with your travel budget helps ensure you can fully enjoy your trips without financial stress.

Have you started saving for the holidays?

I know, I know, it’s only August, BUT holiday expenses cause people a lot of stress and additional debt IF they don’t have a plan. 

Is your holiday savings on track? 

How much do you need to save to celebrate the way you want? 

Write down all the people you plan to buy gifts for and set a budget for each person. 

Be sure to include expenses for food, gifts, decorations, pictures, travel (see above), and gift wrap.

Your next step…

Let’s make this simple. Go through each part of this email at your own pace. Breaking it into smaller steps can make it feel much less overwhelming. Plan how you’ll manage these expenses without adding additional debt.

Being proactive with your money isn’t just about avoiding stress—it’s about setting yourself up for success.

I’m excited to help you craft a personalized plan that works for you. If you’re ready to take control and make your financial future brighter, let’s talk! Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation call with me, and together, we’ll craft a practical plan to guide you toward a more stable and promising financial future.

Imagine being prepared for back-to-school, travel, and the holidays months in advance.  That’s one of the many ways I help my clients stabilize their finances.  If you are ready to take the chaos out of your finances, let’s talk!  You can schedule a no-cost, no-obligation call HERE.  

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I guide women and married couples who “make too much to feel this broke” from financial stress to financial freedom.  I live in Morristown, Tennessee with my husband and children.  I enjoy traveling, reading, and listening to music.

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