A key to changing your finances is FOCUS! Most of the people in the world are NOT focused on their finances. They are NOT trying to get out of debt, save, and invest. My 1:1 clients feel this in their everyday life (so do I). We are surrounded by people living their best life on credit. It’s easy to look at others and wonder why they can afford to do certain things and we can’t. The truth is most people are financing their lifestyle.
So how do you tune out what’s going on around you and really focus on your finances?
I encourage my 1:1 clients to:
🔑 Read financial blogs
🔑 Listen to money-related podcasts
🔑 Follow people on social media who are on the same financial journey
🔑 Watch YouTube videos about budgeting and finances
It’s important to keep your mind focused on financial success! How do you stay focused on your financial success?