
How We Survived a 50% Pay Cut

In a recent blog, I shared some strategies for preparing for financial emergencies like job loss, health issues, or other unforeseen circumstances. (If you missed it, you can read it HERE). Last year, my husband’s position was eliminated, and he was placed in a role that reduced his income by 50%. This was a real […]

The REAL Way to be Prepared for Emergencies

Lately, I’ve been having more conversations with people grappling with credit card debt due to job loss.  Today,  I want to talk to you about the real way to be prepared for emergencies. Over the years, I have assisted many in managing the financial aftermath of job loss. I’ve guided clients in preparing for potential […]

What we did wrong…Our Binge-Restrict Cycle with Money

I recently spoke with a couple who described their relationship with money as a “binge-restrict cycle.” They would go through periods of being extremely frugal, followed by significant spending sprees. Boy, did this take me back! Let’s go back in time together. We were in our 20’s.  We had a mortgage, credit card debt, and […]

Money Routines: Small Steps, Big Impact

Recently, I found myself reflecting on all the routines I’ve woven into my life – from charging my activity tracker every Sunday night to picking up groceries after church every Sunday. It struck me how these routines streamline my days and keep me organized. This got me thinking about the money routines I help my clients […]

Financial Blindspots

This time of year gets me thinking about something that just happened to us LAST year when our family experienced a healthcare crisis. That crisis revealed a blindspot in our finances that I didn’t realize we had.  I’ve been thinking about this situation a lot lately and how it had the potential to ruin years […]

The solution was easier than they expected…

If we were having coffee, and you asked me what I had noticed as a pattern in my financial coaching clients, I could definitely share a few of the trends I have observed over the years.   Since clients come to me at all salary ranges, you would think that there would be more differences than […]

Financial Freedom

Today, I thought we could talk about financial freedom. What does financial freedom mean to you? ⭐ Feeling in control of your finances? ⭐ No money fights with your spouse? ⭐ No guilt or shame over your spending? ⭐ Traveling without racking up debt? ⭐ Money in savings for emergencies such as job loss, medical […]

Pandemic? What would you have done differently?

Six months ago, if you knew there was going to be a pandemic affecting nearly every nation in the world, what would have done differently to be more prepared to handle the impact on you and your family?  The reality is financial uncertainty can occur at any time (i.e. job loss, medical issues, death of […]


Confession time!  I’m a recovering control freak!  The news causes me to have a lot of anxiety and uncertainty.  I didn’t start watching the news or reading about the COVID until the second week of March.  My husband keeps me somewhat informed as to what’s going on in the world.  So, I’m not totally in […]

“How do I budget if I can’t pay all of my bills?”

“How do I budget if I can’t pay all of my bills?”   I’ve been getting that question a lot lately.  So, let’s talk about it! Let’s start with your income.  How much income will you be receiving?  Include all sources (salary, commission, bonus, unemployment, child support, disability, pension, etc.) You need to make a […]