Suddenly Widowed with a Mountain of Debt

It’s been three years later, I can still remember the first call I had with Jan. When she first spoke, I instantly knew she was squarely in the middle of a very hard time.  A dark place. At the age of 55, she had been unexpectedly widowed, and was feeling overwhelmed by her failing finances […]

Have you ever experienced Murphy’s Law with Money?

Let's talk money

Murphy’s Law states that whatever can go wrong will go wrong but have you ever thought about how that can apply to money? Have you ever made the decision to reduce expenses, pay off debt and *finally* get some peace with money but then just a few days or weeks later…something big happens that makes that […]

How to Manage Unexpected Expenses

When I started a Zoom video consultation with Ryan and Nicole in the spring of 2021, I saw their stress written all over their faces. They are an amazing couple in their 30s with a blended family, and they were struggling to ditch the debt and make a change.  At the boiling point of being […]

When is it too late?

American novelist Nancy Thayer says, “It’s never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise.”  As your financial coach, I endorse this 100%!  It is truly never too late to start working on your finances to improve your situation. Year after year, I work with people who never thought they would be […]

Can $16,000 Make a Difference?

What is the exact point that most people reach out to me for Financial Coaching help? Many clients who reach out to me are simply tired of having those same problems with money.   Carrying around the same problem for years can be exhausting. The same was true for two clients that I have been working […]