
“Spending like we have money when we don’t.”

In June of last year, I started working with Matt and Sarah, and asked them to tell me their biggest financial struggle. They replied, “Spending like we have money when we don’t.” Is there a person reading this who hasn’t felt like that at one time or another!! (I doubt it!) I dug in a […]

What is the price of your peace of mind?

In February of this year, David could tell you how much his peace of mind cost him… $48,000 in IRS Debt $47,000 in Student Loan Debt $3,000 in Credit Card Debt $14,000 in Advances for his business At the age of 52, David found himself with a stack of debt for himself and his business, […]

The solution was easier than they expected…

If we were having coffee, and you asked me what I had noticed as a pattern in my financial coaching clients, I could definitely share a few of the trends I have observed over the years.   Since clients come to me at all salary ranges, you would think that there would be more differences than […]

How Heather Got Her Groove Back


With financial coaching, I typically get new clients at one of these stages– The first group comes to me because they are stressed about money, and want someone to guide them to peace with their personal finances. Then another group arrives with more urgent needs.  Simply put–they have reached a “breaking point” and they will […]

“Is there any hope for us?”


One October afternoon in 2019, I started the Discovery Call on Zoom with a couple that was curious about financial coaching. As soon as I turned on the video, Leslie and Charles popped up and… I knew. It was clear to me that Leslie wanted to work with a financial coach, as she was the […]

Ever feel like lack of money is holding you back?

Is your money holding you back?

When I first met Kimberly, she had a lot on her mind. She was concerned about her Job Security. Concerned that her (adult) special needs child would need more help. Most of all–she had retirement looming on the horizon, and she wasn’t sure if she was on the right path to retire comfortably. Kimberly had […]

She had 18 creditors breathing down her neck!

Yes–when Tina reached out, she had 18 creditors breathing down her neck. Over $33,000 in debt with… Credit card bills in collections. Medical Bills to pay. Loans from small finance businesses with interest rates over 100% (not a typo). Years behind on property taxes. Tina is a single woman who was working part-time and struggling […]

Suddenly Widowed with a Mountain of Debt

It’s been three years later, I can still remember the first call I had with Jan. When she first spoke, I instantly knew she was squarely in the middle of a very hard time.  A dark place. At the age of 55, she had been unexpectedly widowed, and was feeling overwhelmed by her failing finances […]

Have you ever experienced Murphy’s Law with Money?

Let's talk money

Murphy’s Law states that whatever can go wrong will go wrong but have you ever thought about how that can apply to money? Have you ever made the decision to reduce expenses, pay off debt and *finally* get some peace with money but then just a few days or weeks later…something big happens that makes that […]