This One Small Change Made a Big Difference

Swimming in Debt?

Before our kids came along, when we were swimming in debt, I took a lot of pride in being frugal. I worked in a town where stores doubled and tripled coupons, and I had my own little system to score extra ones. Every week, it became a fun challenge—how much could I save this time? […]

Simple Strategies to Save Money on Food and Reduce Stress

My family has settled into the school year, and things look a bit different for us now since both of our teenagers are being homeschooled. One thing I didn’t anticipate with having them home all day is the increase in our grocery budget! If you’ve ever had teenagers at home, you know they can eat! […]

Identity Theft: How to Keep Your Info Safe!

I’ve been noticing an increasing number of security breach notifications in my mailbox. Between these notices, news stories, and watching my husband’s employer navigate a recent cyber attack on their business software, I can tell you—the threat is real. And just last month, I read that billions of Social Security numbers were exposed—yes, BILLIONS. Many […]

Managing a Pay Cut: How We Handled a 50% Reduction in Income

A glass jar labeled 'Emergency' tipped over with coins spilling out, representing financial planning and managing a pay cut.

In a recent blog, I shared some strategies for managing a pay cut and preparing for financial emergencies like job loss, health issues, or other unforeseen circumstances.  (If you missed it, you can read it HERE.) A significant reduction in income can feel overwhelming, but having a plan makes all the difference. When my husband’s […]

Don’t Let These Expenses Sneak Up on You—Get Ahead with These Tips!

Once again, I feel like we blinked, and over half the year is gone.  My kids are back to school, and I’m wondering where in the world our summer went! Are you feeling the same? It’s so easy to erase financial progress in the last half of the year. So today, I want to encourage […]

The REAL Way to be Prepared for Emergencies

Lately, I’ve been having more conversations with people grappling with credit card debt due to job loss.  Today,  I want to talk to you about the real way to be prepared for emergencies. Over the years, I have assisted many in managing the financial aftermath of job loss. I’ve guided clients in preparing for potential […]