
When you think about your finances how do you feel? Do you feel overwhelmed? Frustrated? Angry? Embarrassed? Ashamed? Do you wonder how you ended up in a financial mess? 

When I think about my clients and the journey they are on the word brave comes to my mind. Brave? Yes, I see them as brave because they have decided to stop hiding from their situation. They’ve decided that they will no longer live the way they use to live. They have decided that the pain to stay the same is far worse than the pain of change. They have opened their mind to the possibility of being debt-free. My clients are on a journey. A journey to financial freedom. They are BRAVE. 

Are your emotions about your finances preventing you from stepping out and getting help? Are you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, embarrassed, and/or angry about your situation? 

Let me encourage you today to be BRAVE. Stop hiding from your finances. Have the hard conversations that you need to have. Reach out and ask for help. BE BRAVE. 

Are you ready to be BRAVE? 

Financial coaching is judgment-free. I will meet you right where you are on your journey and be your guide to a better financial situation.   Contact me for 1:1 financial coaching.  I offer a complimentary consultation.   See smartmoneyfinancialcoaching.com for more details.

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

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