
Earlier this month I wrote a blog about keeping your mind focused on success.  Another key to financial success is having an accountability partner.  It’s often hard for single people to change their finances because they don’t have anyone holding them accountable.  I also see this in marriages where only one spouse handles the finances.  

An accountability partner can be your spouse, a real-life friend, a friend you’ve made through social media, or even a financial coach.  

I want to encourage you to find an accountability partner that has been through or is going through a similar financial journey.  Your accountability partner should not be your shopping buddy or lunch buddy.  Your accountability partner should be someone who will encourage you and hold you accountable.   

I hold my 1:1 clients accountable for the budget they made.  By doing so they stay on track and reach their financial goals faster.  

What are your thoughts on accountability partners?  Do you have someone holding you accountable?

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I specialize in helping women, couples, and service-based small business owners who feel like they “make too much to be living paycheck to paycheck.” Together, we turn financial stress into financial clarity and create a plan for the life they’ve always imagined.

I’m based in Morristown, Tennessee, where I live with my husband and children. When I’m not coaching, I enjoy traveling, getting lost in a good book, and discovering new music.

Through Smart Money Financial Coaching, I’ve made it my mission to help people manage their money with confidence, pay off debt, and finally feel in control of their finances.

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