Have you ever tracked all of your spending? This is the part of personal finance that a lot of people forget! Budgeting AND tracking expenses are important.
I love talking about tracking expenses! Why? I gained control of my finances and became more organized when I started tracking expenses!
This month I’ve written several blogs about organizing your finances. Everything I’ve written about this month was used in conjunction with budgeting and tracking expenses. I am not over exaggerating when I say that getting organized with my finances changed my life! SERIOUSLY!
If you haven’t tried budgeting and tracking expenses because it seems so overwhelming let me reassure you that you are capable of doing it! Tracking changes everything! I help people do it every day! Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed is not unusual. Taking the first step can seem daunting. Getting organized with your finances is so FREEING, though! Give it a shot and comment below if you need help.
FYI: EveryDollar and YNAB are apps my clients love for tracking expenses.