
Sacrifice to Win!

Sacrifice. For most people it’s necessary to make sacrifices in order to take control of their finances. Some people cannot make any progress in eliminating debt or saving money unless they sacrifice in certain areas of their life.

Sacrifice looks different for everyone. Some people will work a side hustle (sacrificing time with their family/friends). Others will cut all unnecessary spending. Some people will do both. These decisions are not easy.

However, doing these things for a short period of time (until you are debt-free) proves to be beneficial in the long run. I encourage people to increase their income and cut their expenses in order to make progress in eliminating debt and saving for the future.

By making sacrifices in the short term you will save money and eliminate debt faster. Short term sacrifice = Long term gain.

What sacrifices are you making to change your finances? 

Need help deciding where and how to sacrifice in order to win with money?  I offer 1:1 financial coaching services.  I  will meet you right where you are on your journey and be your guide to a better financial situation.   Learn more at smartmoneyfinancialcoaching.com.

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I guide women and married couples who “make too much to feel this broke” from financial stress to financial freedom.  I live in Morristown, Tennessee with my husband and children.  I enjoy traveling, reading, and listening to music.

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