
The Shift That Saved Sarah and James

Today, I want to tell you about a couple I have been working with for over a year.

In July 2023, I received an email from Sarah, who had been referred to me by a friend. In her message, she shared that she and her husband, James, needed help budgeting and saving money.

When I met with Sarah and James for a consultation, I could hear the stress in their voices. They shared that they made “good money” but felt they had nothing to show for it. Honestly, they were like most of the people I work with.

They had many things they wanted to accomplish but struggled to figure out how to make them all happen with their current financial situation. They felt that their finances and spending habits were holding them back.

Sarah and James, both in their late 30s, were parents to a one-year-old daughter who was in daycare. They were also dealing with a car lease that was about to expire and had approximately $50,000 in debt—a combination of credit cards, student loans, personal loans, and medical debt.

When they came to me, they had a long list of goals they wanted to achieve. As a one-car family living in a metropolitan area in the Northeast, they had access to public transportation, but this was becoming a hassle with a young child. They wanted to become a two-car family. They also dreamed of having another child but were concerned about the additional daycare costs. At that time, they were already paying $1,100 a month for daycare.

We rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

First, like many people, Sarah and James didn’t know exactly how much money they brought in each month. They were shocked to discover they had a take-home pay of $10,000 per month. That realization got their attention, and they instantly knew they wanted to manage their money better. One reason they hadn’t realized how much they were earning was that their income was spread out among several accounts. Re-working their accounts enabled them to see all their money and expenses.

Second, like many others, Sarah and James didn’t have a clear picture of where their money was going. They earned a great income but felt broke all the time. So, we put steps in place for them to track their spending. In case you’re wondering, this process is quite painless with a good system. 😉

Finally, Sarah and James were like a lot of young parents—they were in survival mode. They simply were not paying attention to their finances. They frequently swiped their cards for purchases, often unsure if they had enough money to cover them. DoorDash, Uber, and Target runs were often charged to their credit cards.

Once they could see where their money was going, they began changing their spending habits. 

By stopping the use of her Target credit card, which carried a steep 30% interest rate, Sarah immediately halted the cycle of adding to their debt. The interest charges had been outweighing the 5% discount she received, so this change saved them money and helped them gain better control of their finances. Using her debit card meant she was spending only what they actually had, which provided a clearer view of their cash flow and made it easier for them to stick to their spending plan.

James, on the other hand, began limiting his DoorDash orders, which was a major step in reducing unnecessary spending. By cutting back on these frequent, often pricey, convenience purchases, they saw a noticeable decrease in their monthly expenses. This freed up more money that could be directed towards paying down debt and saving for their goals.

Together, these small but impactful changes contributed to a healthier financial situation, allowing Sarah and James to cash-flow their lives without relying on credit, build an emergency fund of over $9,000, and gain the confidence to tackle even bigger life goals.

They have been cash-flowing their life for over a year now!  

Sarah decided to leave a job that was making her miserable and they are expecting their second child later this year. 😍

While they still have work to do on their finances, they’re getting closer to their goals with every choice they make. 

The key is to take that first step, and remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Focusing on your finances with a little outside help and accountability can get you further along with your financial goals than trying to do it all by yourself. Having someone in your corner makes a huge difference, whether it’s to keep you on track, provide guidance, or simply offer support when things get tough.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment—start now, and you’ll be amazed at how much progress you can make.

If you’re ready to take control of your finances, I’d love to help! I’m accepting two new clients this month. Schedule a complimentary call HERE, and let’s discuss how to achieve your financial (and life!) goals!

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Hello! I'm Crystal!

I guide women and married couples who “make too much to feel this broke” from financial stress to financial freedom.  I live in Morristown, Tennessee with my husband and children.  I enjoy traveling, reading, and listening to music.

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